Instead, I've come up with a dedicated power supply based on a pair of LM2596 chips. They accept input voltages between 5V and 37V, i.e. any NiMh oder LiPo rechargeable battery pack will do, and each chip supports up to 3A current. The circuit comes straight from the LM2596 data sheets [2]. On the output side, I've added pin headers for currently 6 Vin pins (left), 4 5V pins (top right), and 3 3.3V pins (bottom right). Tamiya connector wires can be seen, too.
I'm neither equipped for, nor skilled in, SMD or flow soldering, so all my hardware will be through-hole for now. I will provide Eagle files with schemes and layouts, though. Any hints on improving my soldering skills as well as on affordable printed circuit boards are welcome. Also, my supplier sent me huge pairs of inductors and capacitors, wow.
Parts List
2x LM2596-ADJ voltage regulator chip2x 33 uH inductor
2x 1N5822 overcurrent protection Schottky diode (or similar)
2x 470 uF/40V capacitor, electrolytic
1x 100 uF/40V capacitor, electrolytic
2x 15 nF/40V capacitor
2x 1K resistor, low-tolerance metal-film
1x 3K resistor, low-tolerance metal-film (I used 2x1.6K in series)
1x 1.6K resistor, low-tolerance metal-film
1x 2x16 pin header (or whatever connectors you prefer)
2x heat sinks for LM2596-ADJ (optional)
The total cost was about 20 USD, where the LM2596 chips took the lion's share with a little over 7 USD. Schematic and board layout can be found in the project's GitHub repository.
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